An adventure is an activity that is comprised of risky or uncertain experiences that are undertaken at least in part for the sake of physical or emotional excitement. The term is more popularly used in reference to physical activities that have some potential for danger, such as orienteering, skydiving, mountain climbing, and extreme sports.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Surf Session at HMB Jetty

Saturday seemed to be a nice surf day till I got in Jetty. The water was way cold even with the wet suite. Wave were of moderate height, but were too frequent for me to handle, I was done in a very short time. This was the first time that i could hear myself breath heavy, indeed i got tired in first 30 mins and had to go out to the beach before i could go back in again. After the second spell i gave up, the waves kept pounding me till they practically threw me out to the beach. Am not sure if its because I generally am out of shape in winters or the waves + the temperature were punishing. No surprise I heard few regulars at the Board shop on how difficult it was for them to surf at the Jetty a day before.

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