An adventure is an activity that is comprised of risky or uncertain experiences that are undertaken at least in part for the sake of physical or emotional excitement. The term is more popularly used in reference to physical activities that have some potential for danger, such as orienteering, skydiving, mountain climbing, and extreme sports.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A week in Toronto

I was on a business trip to Toronto last week, officially from monday to wednesday and then i decided to take extra 2 days off personal time to move around the city. Thankfully weather was unusually warm and made my weekend worth, back in California it was cold and got back to normal before i head back, so in a way, a good trip for me in every respect.
On my last trip to Buffalo i got to see Niagara from US side, but i heard it better from the other side of the border, this time i get to see that and i need to admit, yes it is. The real fall you get to see from Canada, other than u can take the maid of the mist and get closer, but thats the only view u can get of the fall from the south.
Second day in downtown Toronto, i took a bus tour to figure out things of my interest for saturday and visited CN tower, all 3 levels. Saturday i spent doing my favourite thing, biking around central island. Took a ferry to central island, which is the biggest of all the islands in Ontario lake and rented a bike to cover most of it within the short day and it indeed was the best part of the whole trip.

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